
Thursday, 14 October 2021

Letter C: C is for Castle: Lacing Template

 Another resource produced by me

click here to download

Saturday, 9 October 2021

Quilt Blocks Index.


There are millions of quilt pattern indexes out there - Quilting in the US is a bigger industry than online dating!  However this one does a good job of presenting the quilt blocks as geometric patterns based on a grid and has hundreds to choose from.  The rest of the site is a non profit educational site promoting the art and other works of women and is well worth a look as it has too many other interesting things to include here. 

If your older kids are just getting to grips with the sewing machine then making a block into a pillow or cushion is a good place to start.  

This video shows how - be warned it is a chatty one and so a little long!

From there it is a simple matter of adding more blocks to make bigger pieces right...

Who knows they may even get bitten by the bug - says the woman with 8 UFO's and counting.